International Cooperation

International Projects

Einstein Professorship ProgramChinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)

Update time: 06/12/2010   Author:

The Einstein Professorship Program is a key initiative of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). Einstein Professorships will be awarded each year to 20 distinguished international scientists actively working at the frontiers of science and technology, for conducting lecture-tours to China.

The goals of the program are to:

·     Strengthen science and technology links, cooperation and exchange between CAS scientists and respective Einstein Professors and their laboratories, and

·     Enhance the training of future generations of scientists in China.


The key features of the program are:

·     Twenty eminent scientists will be awarded Einstein Professorships each year. The program is open to scientists from around the world and every scientific discipline.

·     Each visit will be of one to two weeks duration.

·     Einstein Professors are expected to visit at least two CAS Institutes in two different Chinese cities, and to carry out in-depth academic discussions with researchers and graduate students at host institutes.

·     He or she is expected to deliver a lecture either at the host institute or the Graduate University of CAS (GUCAS) located in Beijing, or at the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) in Hefei.

·     In exchange, each Einstein Professor is expected to receive one or two young CAS researchers from the host institute or institutes to work in their laboratories for a period of normally one to three months (which may be extended to up to six months). These visits will be fully funded by CAS.


Recipients of these prestigious Einstein Professorships should be recognized as international leaders in their particular fields, as measured by awards and prizes, invited lectures, national or international committee membership and/or leadership, and history of publications.


The grant will cover:

·     The cost of accommodation, and transportation in China

·     A round-trip international airfare between the airport located nearest to the visitor’s home and that nearest to the host institute

·     An honorarium of USD 1,500 for presenting a lecture

Application procedure

Applications for this program are to be submitted by CAS institutes. If more than one institute is involved in a visit, the application should be submitted by the main host institute. All applications must include:

·     General background information about the candidate.

·     An academic profile including a curriculum vitae, a list of refereed publications for the past 5 years, and the academic standing of the candidate.

·     A detailed description of the proposed lecture-tour to China including the timetable, expected outcomes, details of the existing collaboration with the host institute(s), and the host institute’s contact information.

All applications and supporting documents should be submitted to the Bureau of International Cooperation, CAS by the end of October each year.

Assessment and review of the applications will be conducted in November each year. Official notification of the awards will be sent to the host institute(s) and letters of invitation will be sent to the recipients.

The host institute will be responsible for the coordination and arrangements of each visit under the Program.


The host institute is required to submit a report to the Bureau of International Cooperation, CAS, on completion of each visit, including details of major activities, accomplishments and contributions to the host institution.

Supplementary notes

Any cancellation of an approved visit should be reported to the Bureau of International Cooperation, CAS, however, it is not necessary to report changes in the timing of visits.

CAS Einstein Professorship

Application Form

General information about Applicant


(Family Name)


First Name(s)


Passport No.

Date of Issue:

Place of Issue:

Expiry Date:


□Male □Female



Academic Institution


Position and Title


Contact Address:




Name and contact details of a person to be contacted in case of an emergency:




Accompanying Persons

Name (as in passport)


Passport No., date and place issued, expiry date


Overview of the application in a form suitable for use in the media (no more than 100 words)

Academic/Professional Information

Attach curriculum vitae (maximum of five pages), which includes

·      academic qualifications,

·      employment history, and

·      a list of refereed publications over the past 5 years


Scientific field you are now working in (Please tick only one box.):

□ Agriculture

□ Biology

□ Chemistry

□ Earth Sciences

□ Engineering Sciences

□ Mathematics

□ Medical Sciences

□ Physics

Major accomplishments such as global prizes and awards, invited lectures, national and international committee membership and leadership:

Areas of academic interest and detailed research plans with Chinese host(s):

Other previous major academic/professional positions held:

Name of the organization



Information about the Host Institute/s

Main Host Institute





Contact person








2nd Host Institute





Contact person








Information about the proposed visit:

Title and abstract of the public lecture to be given at the host institute, the Graduate University of CAS, or University of Science and Technology of China (maximum of 50 words):

A detailed plan of the trip to China (no longer than three pages) including:

·                 Timetable (dates of visit and key activities)

·                 Expected Outcomes

·                 Details of existing or developing collaboration

·                 Likely impact of the visitor’s research and visit on the work of the host Institute(s)

Information about Reciprocal Visit

Agreement to CAS’s return visit   YES/NO

□ Yes  □ Still under negotiation

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