Education and Appointments: 2009-9~2013-7, South China University of Technology, Bachelor of Engineering 2013-8~2017-8, Louisiana State University, Doctor of Philosophy 2018-6~2020-9, Prairie View A&M University, Postdoctoral Research Associate 2021-7~2024-7, Chengdu Institute of Biology, Assistant Professor 2024-7~Current, Chengdu Institute of Biology, Associate Professor Research Interest Sustainable utilization of biomass wastes Humic acid fertilizer & Soil remediation Public Services Reviewer of Journal of Cleaner Production、ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering、Renewable Energy、Fuel
Honors Seleted Publication [1] Wang, R., Li, D., Zheng, G., Cao, Z., Deng, F.*(2023). Co-production of water-soluble humic acid fertilizer and crude cellulose from rice straw via urea assisted artificial humification under room temperature. Chemical Engineering Journal, 455, 140916. [2] Deng, F., Cao, Z., Luo, Y., Wang, R., Shi, H., Li, D.* (2023). Production of artificial humic acid from corn straw acid hydrolysis residue with biogas slurry impregnation for fertilizer application. Journal of Environmental Management, 345, 118845. [3] Deng, F., Jiang, H., Xie, Z., Chen, Y., Zhou, P., Liu, X., Li, D.* (2022). Nutrient recovery from biogas slurry via hydrothermal carbonization with different agricultural and forestry residue. Industrial Crops and Products, 189, 115891. [4] Deng, F., Amarasekara, A.* (2021). Catalytic upgrading of biomass derived furans. Industrial Crops and Products, 159, 113055. [5] Deng, F., Cheong, DY., Aita, G.* (2018). Optimization of activated carbon detoxification of dilute ammonia pretreated energy cane bagasse enzymatic hydrolysate by response surface methodology. Industrial Crops and Products, 115, 166-173. Supported Projects [1] National Key R&D Program of China, 2023YFC3905805, FEEDSTOCK CONDITIONING OF HIGH SOILD ANAEROBIC FERMENTATION, 2023-2027, ¥375,000, Principal investigator [2] Department of Science and Technology of Heilongjiang Province, 2022ZXJ05C02-04, BIOAUGMENTATION TECHNOLOGY IN PYROLYSIS AND HYDROTHERMAL TREATMENT RESIDUE, 2022-2025, ¥800,000, Principal investigator [3] Department of Science and Technology of Sichuan Province, 2023NSFSC1224, CELL FACTORY CONSTRUCTION FOR SUCCINIC ACID PRODUCTION BASED ON WILD TYPE CYANOBACTERIA, 2023-2024, ¥100,000, Principal investigator [4] United States National Science Foundation,#1036593, 2010-2021, CENTER FOR ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY, $4,999,998, Research Assistant [5] United States National Science Foundation, #1704144, 2017-2022, A TWO STEP CHEMOCATALYTIC CONVERSION OF CELLULOSIC BIOMASS TO HYDROCARBON BIOFUELS, $315,000, Research Assistant [6] United States Department of Agriculture, #2011-69005-30515, 2011-2017, A REGIONAL PROGRAM FOR PRODUCTION OF MULTIPLE AGRICULTURAL FEEDSTOCKS AND PROCESSING TO BIOFUELS AND BIOBASED CHEMICALS, $6,874,165, Research Assistant |