Chinese | CAS
Li, Fanglan
Title: Associate Professor
Highest   Education:Ph.D

Education and Appointments:

  1998/9-2002/7 Northwest Normal University, B.S. 2002, Biology; 2002/9-2007/7 Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ph.D. 2007, Botany; 2007/7 -2009/8, Assistant Professor, Chengdu Institute of Biology, CAS, Ecology Centre, Plant functional ecology and restoration ecology; 2009/9 -2016/2, Associate Professor, Chengdu Institute of Biology, CAS, Ecology Centre, Plant functional ecology and restoration ecology; 2016/3 -2017/2,The Pennsylvania State University, Department of Ecosystem Management, Woody plant physiology, Plant functional ecology and root ecology; 2017/3 -the present Associate Professor, Chengdu Institute of Biology, CAS, Ecology Centre, Plant functional ecology and restoration ecology

Research Interest

  Plant functional ecology and restoration ecology

Public Services


Seleted Publication

  Li Fanglan*, Hu Hui, McCormack ML, Bao Weikai*, Liu Xin, Feng Defeng. 2019. Community-level economics spectrum of fine-roots driven by nutrient limitations in subalpine forests. Journal of Ecology, 1–12.

  Li Fanglan, Katherine A. McCulloh, Sun Sunjing, and Bao Weikai. Linking leaf hydraulic properties, photosynthetic rates, and leaf lifespan in xerophytic species: a test of global hypotheses. American Journal of Botany, 2018, 105(11): 1–11.

  Li Fanglan, Liu Xin, Bao Weikai. Leaf lifespan is positively correlated with periods of leaf production and reproduction in 49 herb and shrub species. Ecology and Evolution, 2016, 6(11): 3822–3831.

  Li Fanglan, Bao Weikai. New insights into leaf and fine-root trait relationships: implications of resource acquisition among 23 xerophytic woody species. Ecology and Evolution, 2015, 5(22): 5344–5351.

  Li Fanglan, Bao Weikai. Altitudinal patterns in leaf morphology and structure of Campylotropis polyantha (Franch.) Schindl. in the arid-warm Minjiang River valley, SW China. Journal of Arid Environment, 2014, 108: 1–9.

  Li Fanglan, BaoWeikai, Wu Ning. Morphological, anatomical and physiological adaptations of Campylotropis polyantha (Franch.) Schindl. seedlings in response to soil water availability. Scientia Horticulturae, 2012, 127: 436–443.

  Li Fanglan, BaoWeikai, Wu Ning. Effects of water stress on growth, dry matter allocation and water-use efficiency of a leguminous species, Sophora davidi. Agroforestry systems, 2009, 77: 193–201.

  Li Fanglan, BaoWeikai, Wu Ning. Growth, biomass partitioning, and water-use efficiency of a leguminous shrub (Bauhinia faberi var. microphylla) in response to various water availabilities. New Forests, 2008, 36: 53–65.

  Effects of water stress and nitrogen supply onleaf gas exchange and fluorescence parameters of Sophora davidii seedlings. Photosynthetica, 2009, 46(1): 40–48.

  Li Fanglan, BaoWeikai, Wu Ning, You Cheng. Effects of drought stress and n supply on the growth, biomass partitioning and water-use efficiency of Sophora davidii Seedlings. Environmental and experimental botany, 2008, 63: 248–255.

Supported Projects

  Li Fanglan. 2016–2018. Inter-specific relationships between leaf and root traits across different shruby species. Foundation of Biodiversity Conservation Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province. Total Amount: RMB 3040,000; Li Fanglan. 2015–2018. Linking leaf traits variations with fine-root traits in xerophytic shruby species under water stress. National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Biological Science. Total Amount: RMB 850,000;Li Fanglan. 2012–2014. Response of fine-root traits xerophytic shruby species to different water supplies. NSFC, Biological Science. Total Amount: RMB 290,000; Li Fanglan. 2011–2015. Technologies of the seedling establishment and vegetation regeneration in the dry valley of Hengduan Mountain. The National Science and Technology Programs of China. Total Amount: RMB 550,000

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