Education and Appointments: Weikai Bao was born in the city of Guanhan, Sichuan Province. He was graduated from Southwest College of Forestry (Southwest Forestry University) in June 1989 and Central South College of Forestry (Central South University of Forestry and Technology) in June 1992. He got his doctorate at Commission for the Integrated Survey of Natural Resources (The Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research Chinese Academy of Sciences) in August 1999. He has visiting University of New Brunswick in Saint John during 2006-2007, and University of Toledo as a senior research fellow during 2011-2012. Weikai Bao works at Chengdu Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences since July 1992. He works as professor of Ecology and supervisor of PhD fellow since June 2002. His research explores the theory of ecological restoration and biodiversity conservation in mountainous landscape, as well as develops new methods and technology to restore the vegetation which apply in Southwestern China. A large proportion of his work is field based and in natural or secondary ecosystems, including arid valley in Southwestern China, and subalpine old-growth forest or plantations in eastern Tibetan Plateau. Current projects focus on the ecological restoration and regional development of arid valley; ecological restoration of key construction projects; community structure and composition of Castanopsis forest; forest inventory of eastern Tibetan Plateau; ecological changes across successional, elevation gradients; and the ecological role of forest understory vegetation. He has published over 250 peer reviewed journal articles, including over 50 papers presented on SCI/EI indexed journals. He has authored/co-authored 10 books. The most recent book he authored is on ecological restoration of arid valley, which is published by China Science Publishing & Media Ltd. in 2012. He has been the recipient of several scientific awards, including the First Class Science and Technology Progress Award of Sichuan Province (2007 and 2013), the Second Class Science and Technology Progress Award of Sichuan Province (2001 and 2006), the Third Class Science and Technology Progress Award of Sichuan Province (2012), Second Class Science and Technology Progress Award of Ministry of Education (2016), Tibetan Plateau Youth Science and Technology Award (2001), Advanced worker of Botanical Society of China (2009), Wang Kuancheng Award for Outstanding Western Chinese Scholar (2010). Research Interest Ecological restotation and biodiversity conservation
Public Services
Member of Botanical Society of China (since 2012) Editorial board of Plant Science Journal (since 2012) Editorial board of Subtropical Plant Science (since 2016) Honors
Second Class Science and Technology Progress Award of Ministry of Education. 2016. Giant panda habitat restoration technology. First Class Science and Technology Progress Award of Sichuan Province. 2013. Research and application of forest carbon sequestration measurement system in Sichuan province. Third Class Science and Technology Progress Award of Sichuan Province. 2012. Ecological Restoration and Sustainable Management of Arid Valley. Wang Kuancheng Award for Outstanding Western Chinese Scholar. 2010. Advanced worker of Botanical Society of China. 2009. Tibetan Plateau Youth Science and Technology Award. 2001. Seleted Publication Recent books: 1. Xie GD, Bao WK, Zhang CS, et al. 2015. Report on ecosystem background and function in Lancang River Basin. Beijing, Science Press. 359 pages. In Chinese. 2. Bao WK, Li FL, Ding JL. 2013. Theory and practice of ecological restoration in arid valleys in Hengduan Mountains. In: Li WH. 2013. Contemporary Ecology Research in China – Ecological Restoration. Beijing, Science Press. pp183-194. In Chinese. 3. Yuancun Shen, Xianzhou Zhang, Jingsheng Wang, Peili Shi, Yongtao He, Zhenxi Shen, Xinquan Zhao, Huakun Zhou, Shixiao Xu, Liang Zhao, Buqing Yao, Ting Zhou, Shaolin Peng, Jianguo Wu, Jianhua Cao, Fen Huang, Hui Yang, Liang Li, Qiang Li, Weikai Bao, Zhenqi Hu, Peijun Wang, Jing Li, Pei Qin, Jie Fan and Pingxing Li. 2015. Ecological Restoration in the Typical Areas. In: Wenhua Li, Contemporary Ecology Research in China. Higher education press and Springer, pp 265-374. 4. Bao WK, Pang XY, Li FL, Zhou ZQ, et al. 2012. Scientific basis of ecological restoration and sustainable management of arid-valley. Beijing, Science Press. 710 pages. In Chinese. 5. Wu N, Bao WK, Wu Y. 2012 The Environment of World Natural Heritage Sites - Jiuzhai and Huanglong and its Sustainable Development. Beijing Science Press. 282 pages. In Chinese. 6. Bao WK, He QH, Zhou ZQ, Li XM, Liu X, Zhu YP, and Ding JL. Ecological processes of subalpine plantation. In: Yu GR. Changes of forest ecosystem. Higher Education Press. In press. In Chinese. Selected publications: 1. Li, FL, Hu, H., McCormlack, M.L., Feng, D.F., Liu, X., Bao, WK*, 2019. Community-level economics spectrum of fine-roots driven by nutrient limitations in subalpine forests. Journal of Ecology 107 (3): 1238-1249. 2. Li FL, McCulloh KA, Sun SJ, and Bao WK*. Linking leaf hydraulic properties, photosynthetic rates, and leaf lifespan in xerophytic species: a test of global hypotheses. American Journal of Botany, 2018,105(11): 1–11. 3. Wang Z., Bader MY, Liu, X, Zhu ZM, Bao WK*. 2017*. The ‘plant economic spectrum’ in bryophytes, a comparative study in subalpine forest. American Journal of Botany. 104: 261-269. 4. Wang Z, Liu X, Bao WK*. 2016. Higher photosynthetic capacity and different functional trait scaling relationships in erect bryophytes compared with prostrate species. Oecologia. 180:359-369. 5. Pang XY*, Hu B, Bao WK*, Vargas TO, Tian GL. 2016. Effect of thinning-induced gap size on soil CO2 efflux in a reforested spruce forest in the eastern Tibetan Plateau. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 220: 1-9. 6. Hu B, Yang B, Pang XY*, Bao WK*, Tian GL. 2016. Responses of soil phosphorus fractions to gap size in a reforested spruce forest. Geoderma, 279: 61-69. 7. Zhao QX, Pang XY, Bao WK*, He QH. 2015. Effects of gap-model thinning intensity on the radial growth of gap-edge trees with distinct crown classes in a spruce plantation. Trees-structure and function, DOI 10.1007/s00468-015-1267-3. 8. Liu X., Bao W.K.*. 2014. Understory plant assemblages present distinct short-term responses to the clear-cutting of an old-growth spruce forest near an alpine timberline. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 44 (6): 562-571. DOI: 10.1139/cjfr-2013-0377 9. Xiaoli Yan, Weikai Bao*, Xueyong Pang, Ningxuan Zhang, Jiquan Chen, 2013. Regeneration strategies influence ground bryophyte composition and diversity after forest clearcutting. Annals of Forest Science, 2013, 70(8): 845–861 10. Yechun Wang, Weikai Bao*, Ning Wu. 2011.Shrub effects on a high-altitude forest cutover in eastern Tibetan Plateau. Annals of Forest Science. 68:1127–1141 Supported Projects
During the last 10 years (2009 – 2019), Prof. Bao served as PI in over 24 projects; among them, 8 are national-level projects, 5 are provincial-level projects, and 11 are cooperation projects, with a total funding of 44.71 million CNY. Main projects are: National Key R&D Program of China: Research and development of ecological comprehensive management and ecological industry development in the arid valley of southwest China (2017-2020) Key R&D Program of Sichuan Province: The effect of plantation management on soil ecological function National Science and Technology Support Program of China: Technological study and demonstration for ecological restoration in Hengduan mountainous region (2011-2015) Chinese Academy of Sciences Forerunner Project: Evaluation on the carbon pools of Sichuan forest ecosystems―current status, capacities and sinks and studies on the mechanisms. (2011-2015); Study on carbon storage promotion of spruce plantation National Natural Science Foundation of China General Program: Change of soil C:N:P stoichiometry during forest secondary succession and the biological manipulating mechanism (2015-2018); The changes of ecological processes and vegetation succession of high elevation clear-cuts (2010-2012). Chinese Academy of Sciences Creative Project: Photosynthesis and nutrient use efficiency of bryophytes and their adaptation to the environmental factors in dark coniferous forest (2012-2015) Ministry of Science and Technology, Basic Science and Technology Program: Ecosystem survey of Lancang River basin (2009-2013) Other projects: Survey and evaluation of forest landscape resource in national forest parks (2015-2018) |