Education and Appointments: In 2008, I graduated from Huazhong University of Science and Technology with the major of biotechnology. I acquired my masters and doctoral degrees in zoology from University of Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2011 and 2014. Then I joined in Lund University in Sweden as a postdoc fellow in 2015 and became a researcher in 2017. In 2021, I moved to Chengdu Insititute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Research Interest Along with the advances in sequencing technologies and artificial intellegence, new research paradigm is emerging in understanding the formation and maintenance mechanisms of biodiversity. Animal coloration is a key aspect in nature, providing an ideal model to investigate phenotypic diversity and visual perception for organisms. Our research team is combining the theories in evolutionary biology and novel approaches in multi-omics, as well as behavioral experiments and deep learning algorithims to explore the evolutionary developmental mechanism of animal coloration.
Public Services Honors Seleted Publication 1. Yang W*, Feiner N, Salvi D, et al. 2022. Population genomics of wall lizards reflects the dynamic history of the Mediterranean Basin.?Molecular Biology and Evolution, 39(1):msab311. 2. Yang W*, Feiner N, Pinho C, et al. 2021. Extensive introgression and mosaic genomes of Mediterranean endemic lizards. Nature Communications, 12: 2762. 3. Yang W, Feiner N, Laakkonen H, et al. 2020. Spatial variation in gene flow across a hybrid zone reveals causes of reproductive isolation and asymmetric introgression in wall lizards.Evolution, 74(7): 1289-1300. 4. Yang W, While GM, Laakkonen H, et al. 2018. Genomic evidence for asymmetric introgression by sexual selection in the common wall lizard.Molecular Ecology, 27(21): 4213-4224. Supported Projects In charge of a series of national, provincial and ministerial level research projects.