

Prof. Liu Yiming of Jackson State University in CIB

Update time: 07/06/2009

Invited by Center for Natural Products and Scientific Department of CIB, Prof. Liu Yiming of Jackson State University, USA paid a visit to CIB. Prof. Liu is an well-known expert in the fields of bioorganic and bio-analytical, also as a member of the evaluating group for applying SCORE scientific project under Department of Health and Human Services, USA. His team job focus on the method of advanced instrumental analysis , and its related methods used in neurochemistry, neuropharmacology, and toxicology. His team continuously won financial supports from NIH since 2000, which made a great number of achievements.
Prof. Zhang Guolin, vice director of CIB, Prof. Sun Jian, director of Center for Natural Products, Prof. Ding Lisheng exchanged their views with Prof. Liu in the discussion that biological analytical methods used in natural products, as well as the bio-organic method to analysis the chemical composition of extracts from Chinese traditional medicinal plants, and rapid analysis of active substances. Also, Prof. Liu gave an academic lecture with the topic "Design of Analytical Methods for Pharmacological and Toxicological Studies". After the lecture, a certificate of guest professor was given to Prof. Liu by CIB leaders.