Education & Training

Chengdu Institute of Biology Promote the "Hundred Talents Program" for Talent Introduction

Update time: 12/20/2010

The introduction of high-level talent is one of the key personnel jobs. This year, following the program of “Outstanding Technical Personnel Abroad” and the “Institute Level of Hundred Talents Program”, Chengdu Institute of Biology strengthened the talent introduction in the field of microbial molecular biology.  
On Nov. 30th , Chengdu Institute of Biology held a “Hundred Talents Program” job fairs and examined the applicant Dr. WANG Ganggang. Nine experts from CAS Bureau of Life Science and Biotechnology, Wuhan Institute of Virology, Sichuan University and Chengdu Institute of Biology participated in the defense.
Firstly, Dr. Wang Ganggang made a report in his scientific background, research, and future plan and answered the questions from the experts. The experts gave advices to him about the future research work and unanimously agreed to recommend him as the candidate of “Hundred Talents Program” in Chengdu Institute of Biology. 
Dr. Wang Ganggang graduated from Tsinghua University and got the Ph.D. in the major of biophysics in Jan. 2003. From Mar. 2004, he did the post-doctoral work in the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center and the University of Southern California, Department of Molecular and Computational Biology. Now, He is a research assistant in the University Southern California. He will carry out the research in structure and function of important protein complex during the microbial metabolic pathway after he selected into the “Hundred Talents Program”.

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